Why is it important to be more alkaline than acidic?

Alkalinity, referred to as pH, is the concentration of hydrogen ions in water, blood, or food.  A pH level of 7.0 is considered neutral, but a 7.4 pH is desirable for the human body.

Your blood pH operates in a narrow range for good health.  The complex biochemical processes taking place constantly is an attempt to keep blood pH as near perfect as possible. If your body is not getting adequate nutritional intake from the foods you eat, you will have problems balancing your pH system.  One aspect of over acidity is a leaching of calcium from the bones, which leads to osteoporosis.  This and many other diseases are results of an acidic body.

Proper Ph balance has been identified by biochemists and medical physiologists as a most important aspect of a balanced healthy body.  Dr Otto Warburg received the Nobel prize for Medicine in 1931 for determining  that cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment.

You get alkaline by eating raw foods, fruits and vegetables. Dark green vegetables have the highest nutritional value. The acidic foods on the other hand are sugar, white flour, red meats, and processed foods.  Stress can also cause your body to be acidic.

There is a simple way to increase alkalinity and that is by drinking the only wheatgrass powder with the leaves and the roots daily.  Wheatgrass “The King of Alkaline Foods” will assimilate into your blood stream in 20 minutes.  And at that point it is already at work to alkalize your body.