Greater vitality and longer life span is the result of healthy blood. Rich, healthy blood carries nutrients to every cell of the body; otherwise we merely survive with poor health and low energy.
According to Dr. Bernard Jensen from “Chlorophyll Magic from Living Plant Life”, no blood builder is superior to wheatgrass. The blood building results occurred quickly when the patients drank wheatgrass regularly. Blood rich in iron brings more oxygen to the cells, promoting youthfulness and preventing senility.
In “Cells Grow Younger”, Dr. Brown Landone discussed the power of root auxins-substances found in the roots of all young, growing plants. He cited research experiments conducted by botanists who placed root auxins on the tip of a leaf, causing roots to grow on the edge of the leaf. Dr Landone reasoned that we could get a sort of youth auxin from eating baby greens, sprouts, and grasses. Others have proven his assumptions correct. Dr. Weston Price, founder of the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, isolated a substance from the tips of young grasses which had a similar effect to that of root auxins, showing an ability to promote regeneration in damaged cells.
Wheatgrass may be used as a tonic and rejuvenator because of its abundance of natural vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and enzymes. It is a high-quality source of fuel, and is easily assimilated, requiring little energy to digest.
It is important to note that wheatgrass with the roots contains auxins and is superior to just wheatgrass leaves alone.